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It's Time For a Diet-Free Revolution with Dr. Alexis Conason, Psy.D.
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Regardless of your age, the pressure to maintain a certain body type can feel re...
Parenting Without Diet Culture with Oona Hanson
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When we know better, we do better. It’s what naturally happens when we commit to...
The Body Acceptance Mistake That’s Keeping You Stuck in the Suck
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If you're ready to hop off the dieting rollercoaster, you might be starting to w...
Breaking Down Barriers to Fitness in Midlife & Beyond with Michael Ulloa
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If your B.S. detector has been at an all-time high around fitness, movement, and...
Why Diets Don’t Work with Dr. Amy Porto, PhD, RD
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Why don’t diets work? Why does your doctor recommend one type, yet your neighbor...
The Reason Why Body Image Work Feels So Hard with Steph Dodier
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If your mind's been stuck on the loop of "I need to shrink my body," it's time t...
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